Yay!!! The new Pottery Barn catalog is here! Actually it's been here since at least last week, but with my wormy little Munchkin, who has pretty much mastered the art of crawling and cruising, I just got around to looking at it the other day. I am LOVING the new spring tableware collection! They have a bird and nest themed collection that is amazing! Now, I usually love PB, but can't usually afford it and honestly don't like spending full price anyway for their stuff. The catalogs are great for ideas
though! BUT, when I saw the bird theme, I got weak in the knees and, I'm not kidding, let out a wee-bit of a squeal. Yup, that's right...I am a bird addict! I love bird knickknacks. I pretty much have them in every room of my house, including the laundry room and even the bathroom and have been known to type "bird" in the search box of some of my favorite websites, just too see what treasures I find! My Bella's nursery has a bird/shabby chic theme with a birdie mobile, among other things. My living room has 12 ft. ceilings and I needed something big for one of the walls, so, when I was walking the aisles of Target, minding my own business, not even looking for the birds, there they were, staring me in the face from the shower curtain aisle! It was actually a great fabric and had an awesome print, so, I had the hubs build me an 8 ft by 5 ft wood frame and covered it in the shower curtain fabric...voila! An instant art piece, and one with birds no less! I have bird salt & pepper shakers and Bella has two birdie blankies. My Christmas tree had bird ornaments and a cute two-bird tree topper. My front door, although I'm replacing it soon, needed a little something. Hmmm....what does it need??? A door knocker!!! What kind of door knocker?? A bird one of frickin' course!!! I found the PERFECT one on ebay for....drumroll...6 whole buckaroos! Ahh...I love my bird finds! Now, here is where I have to explain that, although I have been called the "bird lady" by my 14 year old cousin (gotta love the Tweens!) it's not like I have these birds all over the place in my house like some kind of bird hoarder! I would like to think that my "collection" is tastefully spread out in my humble little home. I do have some kind of self-control! I am only attracted to cute white or blue birdies and they have to be cute. I'm not a fan of the cardinals or swans or pigeons or seagulls (ooo, seagulls are kinda creepy!) Nope, I like either cute little chubby birdies or little finch type of birds. So, see! It's not like I'll take in just ANY bird! Yup, I'm rationalizing, like a true addict! But, I must close by saying that I DID "stummble" upon a Pottery Barn this weekend and HAD to get the Nest doormat (for when I get my new front door---SO excited!) and I got the bird house salt & pepper shakers (now I have two sets of birdie shakers) AND I just HAD to get two of the birdie mugs. I had to do it...full price and all. Although the rug and shakers were a gift from the hubs...ya, he's my birdie-addiction enabler, even though he could do without the birds himself! Now that's true love!

Want this sooo bad!
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